WV COVID-19 Vaccines Communication Toolkit
Updated FAQs about the COVID-19 Vaccine with new information from the CDC. Visit vaccinate.wv.gov frequently for more information or call the COVID-19 Vaccines infor line at: 1-833-734-0965.
Updated FAQs about the COVID-19 Vaccine with new information from the CDC. Visit vaccinate.wv.gov frequently for more information or call the COVID-19 Vaccines infor line at: 1-833-734-0965.
We have received information from the WV DHHR on what the process is to register online for COVID-19 Vaccination. Go to: vaccinate.wv.gov WV COVID-19 Vaccine Registration System How-To (pdf) WV COVID-19 Vaccine Registration System FAQs (pdf) WV COVID-19 Vaccine Registration System How-To (pdf) *Espanol WV COVID-19 Vaccine Registration System FAQs (pdf) *Espanol
The WV Bureau of Senior Services and WVSU Metro Area Agency on Aging have sent out a 2021 resource guide for seniors. I contains contact information for several categories of resources that are available to WV seniors. Please share with your friends and family.
Our volunteers for the Mountaineer Foodbank’s Senior Foodbox program made it into the news again!! We received a double shipment of foodboxes this month to cover this month and next month. Several volunteers stepped up to help with the delivery of the double sized deliveries. http://harrisoncountyseniorcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Exponent-Telegram-article-4.4.2020.pdf
As coronavirus (COVID-19) developments change hour by hour, AARP Foundation is doing its part to flatten the curve of transmission. A top priority for us is ensuring we are pretecting those most at risk, including our volunteers and taxpayers. Therefore, we are suspending AARP Foundation Tax-Aide services beginning March 16 until further notice. We will …
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Sites Service Suspended Until Further Notice Read More »
Hello Everyone, Our Holiday Luncheon scheduled for December 3rd has been moved to December 10th.